
Astrology transit calculator
Astrology transit calculator

astrology transit calculator

Now is when you may decide to leave the security of a job to start your own business. This is a perfect time to take a career risk that may involve a job re-training program or advanced education in order to prepare for a new career. Uranus Transit: Look For Excitement And Freedom In Your Careerĭuring this transit, you're likely to make radical changes in your career. You will now re-evaluate your actions, so you can let go of any unproductive behavior that is interfering with your ability to be successful. In fact, a crisis may occur that will force you to make a change in your career or business.

astrology transit calculator

You may also get feedback from your employer (or customers) about your job performance that will help you realistically evaluate whether you're doing the work you're meant to do.

astrology transit calculator

Now is when your diligence and preparation will pay off and you'll receive that big promotion. Saturn Transit: Re-Evaluate Your Job Or Careerĭuring this transit, you'll harvest the rewards for all your hard work. Make sure to be out networking, making contacts, and taking interviews because this is where you'll hear about great opportunities to advance your career or expand your business. If you want to find a job, expand your current business, or start a new business, you'll find new customers ready to buy what you're selling. In your current job, this is a lucky time to win a promotion by letting employers know you have a desire for greater responsibility where you can produce more success. If you have this transit in this area of your life, congratulations! You've got a great year ahead of you in your career. Jupiter Transit: Lucky Time For A Promotion Or A New Career! Here's how your career may be affected by the five transiting planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto: Yet, another transit may lead you to make a career move you'll regret. Another transit may bring you an exciting new career opportunity. A lucky transit may bring a big promotion. Transits are “astrological" events that affect every area of your life including your career. (Note: To learn where your personal transits are – see the end of this article.) You can find the answer to your questions by knowing which planet is transiting through your 10 th House of Career. The Secret To Understanding What's Happening In Your Career When will I find the career right for me?"

  • “I want to be an engineer, investment banker, senior manager, president, or entrepreneur.
  • When is the best time to find one that's better?"
  • “I'm tired of working for other people.
  • astrology transit calculator

    Have you ever looked up at the sky and stars and wondered, “Will someone please answer an important question about my career?"

    Astrology transit calculator